International College of Technology (ICOT)
Over 6 years on the market, the International College of Technology (ICOT) is a school with a great location, certified teachers, ILEP immigration list and many extra curricular activities.
11 Drinan St, Ballintemple, City, CorkSnapshot
13 salas de aula
Bom mix de nacionalidades
Possui cozinha
420 alunos por mês
Possui laboratório de informática
Possui Wifi
Acesso a cadeirantes
Sobre a International College of Technology (ICOT)
Over 6 years on the market, the International College of Technology (ICOT) is a school with a great location, certified teachers, ILEP immigration list and many extra curricular activities.
ICOT has two campuses in Dublin, one on Capel Street and the second on Westmoreland Street.
Selecione um curso
General English
Tipo de curso General English
Nome do curso General English
Horários Morning classes, Afternoon classes
Início Consult one of our agencies
ICOT's General English course comprises the development of speaking, writing and listening skills in everyday context. The course offers a wide range of extracurricular activities. For more information, please consult the school’s website.
Níveis oferecidos Elementary, Intermediate, Advanced
Duração Consult one of our agencies