Future Learning English Language School Dublin
At FL we use the power of collaborative projects and technology as a tool to enable learners to explore, engage with and communicate a rich and authentic experience of the world along with its different cultures and languages.
25 Wolfe Tone St, North CitySnapshot
7 salas de aula
Bom mix de nacionalidades
Possui cozinha
210 (105 pela manhã e 105 pela tarde) alunos por mês
Possui Wifi
Acesso a cadeirantes
Sobre a Future Learning English Language School Dublin
At FL we use the power of collaborative projects and technology as a tool to enable learners to explore, engage with and communicate a rich and authentic experience of the world along with its different cultures and languages. We are unique in what we do and we aim to change the way people see educational travel programmes. We want to open learners minds about the range of skills that they need to develop so they collaborate effectively with others of all nationalities in the world that they live, work and study in.
Future Learning Dublin City Campus is located in the very heart of Dublin, one of Europe’s most vibrant and historic cities. Our school is one of the most modern educational buildings in the sector with facilities which reflect our methodology of teaching focussed on communication, collaboration and technology skills.
This is the perfect location and school for students who are looking to explore Dublin city and enjoy everything it has to offer. The school is located off Henry Street which is one of Ireland’s busiest shopping streets, 5 minutes walk to one of the main tourist areas in Temple Bar and also just 5 minutes from Ireland’s most famous street, O’Connell Street. You will also always be close to every means of public transport which allows you to easily access home or to visit outside of Dublin.
Selecione um curso
Dublin Business Academy
Tipo de curso English for Specific Needs
Nome do curso Dublin Business Academy
Horários Morning classes, Afternoon classes
Início Consult one of our agencies
During the course, you will effectively position your company into a digital business environment where you’ll learn the ins and outs of digital marketing through all the major platforms. You will know when and how to target your customer, how to keep him locked in your marketing funnels and how to feed the correct content at the right time. Maybe it’s a question of choosing the right person to promote your product; we’ll guide you through the new and crazy world of influencers and help you utilize them to explode your product sales.
The theory is always nice, but we won’t stop there, as we want you to apply the knowledge you gained right there and then. In the end, we will push you to create your own digital campaign where you connect all the dots into a fully-fledged plan ready to tackle the world of social media!
Níveis oferecidos Intermediate, Advanced
Duração Consult one of our agencies
Foundation for Study through English
Tipo de curso General English
Nome do curso Foundation for Study through English
Horários Morning classes, Afternoon classes
Início Consult one of our agencies
The third stage is designed to equip people to make a success of studying in an English speaking country. The aim is to equip participants to communicate effectively in English in order to be able to progress academically. Effective communication is about more than just the language, it is about engaging with the educational culture in an appropriate way. It aims to help develop communication skills that consider the cultural as well as the linguistic challenges to successful studying in an English-speaking institution.
Níveis oferecidos Advanced
Duração Consult one of our agencies
Life Skills through English
Tipo de curso General English
Nome do curso Life Skills through English
Horários Morning classes
Início Consult one of our agencies
The initial stage of our course is designed to help people to make a life in Dublin through English and deal successfully with all the situations that will arise at work, at home and socially. It aims to help develop communication skills that consider the cultural as well as the linguistic challenges to successful communication in English.
Níveis oferecidos Elementary
Duração Consult one of our agencies
English for Professional Communication
Tipo de curso General English
Nome do curso English for Professional Communication
Horários Morning classes, Afternoon classes
Início Consult one of our agencies
The second stage is designed for professionals who are interested in developing their spoken and written communication skills in an international and technology enhanced environment. The aim is to equip participants to communicate effectively in English in order to be able to progress professionally. Dublin is a hub for international technology companies who employ multinational teams to service European markets in the first language. The language of coordination and management in these companies is always English, however, and in order to progress in your career you need to be able to present yourself well and communicate effectively in that language. Effective communication is about more than just the language, it is about engaging with the culture of the company in an appropriate way.
Níveis oferecidos Intermediate
Duração Consult one of our agencies